Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

New Year!

2012 has passed. Of course it was a great year for us, but maybe also the worse year. Yea, it was relative. Everythings we have done in 2012, let’s take the experience. If it was already good, keep it up! But if it haven’t been good, try to make it better in this new year and also for the next year. 

2012, of course it have many memories that couldnt be counted just by our fingers. We have own best memories, and we also have our own worse memories. 

For me, 2012 was one of my best year. Because what? Because I’m now a senior high student! And it started in 2012, since Juli I think. Everythings change when I turned to be a senior high student. First, I have a new situation which is different with the junior high school. Then, I have to be more discipline, and smart on managing times. Yeah, its not easy to be a senior high student indeed, huh-_-

Okay, for the NYE. As usual, everybody went to the crowded place, saw how everyone celebrate the NYE, and then they flamed the fireworks and blowed the trumpet. In several places, there was a big stage and many famous band sang on it to entertain the ppl while the NYE. And…what about me? Yep, I just stayed at home and watched some films. Uh sucks indeed. *pukpuk*

Let see how crowded is the NYE last night…..

fireworks everywhere
the big stage to celebrate the NYE
See! how crowded is the NYE celebration in Bundaran HI
Every muslims were praying and dzikir at the turn of the year
NYE in several cities, especially Jakarta. Jammed+rainy.      Its lucky i wasnt going anywhere :p
 "May every day of the new year glow with good cheer, happiness, and success for all of you!"
"Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one!" -Brad Paisley
Well guys, lets welcome this new year with smile on ur face, and a good cheer. Also with great hopes on ur deep heart for the best, for you and all of ur family. God always bless you. Wish you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!

yeay! xx
*NYE= New Year's Eve

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